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Dealer Transfer Network - Dealer Registration Page

AimSurplus, LLC has created a simple way for our customers to locate dealers in their area who are willing to process a firearm(s) transfer via the AimSurplus, LLC FFL Dealer Network. To be a dealer on our Dealer Transfer Network, please complete registration below.

Premise Address

Mailing Address

My mailing address is the same as my premise address

Contact Information

License Information

By taking part in our dealer transfer network, you are agreeing to transfer firearms to our mutual customers without them contacting you ahead of time. As an approved network dealer you also agree to assist us in resolving any issues with our mutual customers order. With every transfer, we will include a copy of our FFL along with the firearm's information and the purchasing customer's information. Thank you for signing up!

I agree to these terms

Please fill out all required fields

Thank you for registering for the AimSurplus, Llc. Dealer Transfer Network. If you have not already sent us a copy of your FFL, please email a current signed copy to [email protected]


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${ error }
${ item.product.brand }
${ item.product.sku }
${ }: ${ prop.value }
${ formatMoney(item.base_price) }
${ formatMoney(item.price * item.quantity) }

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${ product.brand }
${ product.sku }
${ formatMoney(product.price) }
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Choose Your FFL

Search below to find your closest dealer

Your FFL Dealer
${ }

* If you do not see your Dealer below click checkout now and enter your dealer’s shipping information.
${ error }
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Don't see your dealer? You can enter their address during checkout. Go to checkout
No dealers match the range.
${ }
${ dealer.address1 } ${ dealer.address2 }
${ } ${ dealer.state } ${ }

${ }
Fees: ${ dealer.fees }
Hours: ${ dealer.hours }
Notes: ${ dealer.notes }

${ dealer.distance }
